"Suchart" sues Rakchanok-Sahasawat

"Suchart" sues 2 MPs for defamation, demands 50 million for alleging purchase of building, plans to submit to NACC for ethics, insists even if they apologize they won't accept it, explains "Mother Tik" did not provide information At Government House, Mr. Suchart Chomklin, Deputy Minister of Commerce and Deputy Leader of the Ruam Thai Sang Chart Pa

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The Prime Minister does not block Thaksin's idea

The Prime Minister does not block Thaksin's idea of ​​buying people's debt, saying it is an idea of ​​someone who wishes the country well, pointing out that there are still steps for the Cabinet and the House of Representatives, so don't play with political issues yet. สล็อตเว็บตรง

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The Prime Minister said that he can use

The Prime Minister said that he could use a family member to replace Thaksin in the censure motion. He was not surprised that the opposition was promoting a "country-for-exchange deal". He pointed out that it was just to make it interesting. สล็อต

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"Phumtham" plays dumb, doesn't know who had

"Phumtham" plays dumb, says he doesn't know who had their visas suspended by the US after sending Uighurs back to China, insists on doing his best, asks to stop imagining and looking at the negative picture. Mr. Phumtham Vejjayachai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense, spoke about the case where the spokesperson of the Chinese Foreign M

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"19 Province Network" transports 2 tons

"19 Provinces Network" transports 2 tons of "Black-chinned Tilapia" and dumps them in front of Government House, calling on Prime Minister Yingluck to accept 4 demands the network of people from 19 provinces affected by the black-chinned tilapia gathered in front of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, preparing to march to Government Hou

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